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With our new commenting feature you can instantly react to articles and share your thoughts and ideas with other Morningstar readers

Holly Cook 2 March, 2010 | 1:26PM
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We’ve launched a commenting feature that allows users to engage not only with article authors but also with other Morningstar readers. So, for example, if you disagree with our recent suggestion that currency speculators may as well head to Vegas, then start the debate here, or if you’ve got an opinion on Prudential’s near-$36 billion shopping spree, then post it here, or maybe you’re just looking forward to the results of our ISA Survey? Tell us here! To get the ball rolling, throughout the month of March we'll be offering a prize for the most witty, yet relevant, comment posted on an get your thinking hat on.

Simply log in, either with your Morningstar (or Hemscott) details, or with an external account such as Google mail, Twitter or Facebook and get posting. Your on-screen name will automatically be your first name but you can change this by selecting a nickname in the Morningstar membership section. You can also upload an image to accompany your posts, request to be notified when someone responds to your post, or share the link to the article on your own web site or social media sites.

But before you start posting comments, in order to ensure that our Morningstar community is a happy community, we ask that you follow some common sense posting guidelines:

Be civil and respectful
We don't expect that everyone using is going to agree on everything. Disagreement, after all, is the foundation of markets--for every buyer who thinks a stock is under priced, there's a seller who thinks it's headed down the tubes. There's some skill involved in posting messages that disagree without conveying a disagreeable tone.

Using a condescending or nasty tone is the quickest way to inspire personal attacks, and there's no such thing as a civil, respectful personal attack. Do your best, and recognise that there probably will be misunderstandings, but if you can't disagree with an idea or investment philosophy without striking out at the person who follows it, then please don't post.

While Morningstar demands civility, we also believe in an open area for discussion. We are all adults here, and the best way to get rid of troublemakers is to ignore them. If you think that a message is inappropriate, you can let us know through the "Flag" button.

Be helpful
The most beloved members of an investing community are those who do a bit of research before posting their messages. Including ticker symbols, fund and stock names, links, data points, and information about your portfolio that are relevant to your message will go a long way toward making your posts clear and useful. That's not to say you shouldn't post questions or simple comments, but the more informative you can make your messages, the more helpful they will be to other community members and better conversations will ensue.

IF YOU TYPE IN CAPS, keep in mind that it's the online equivalent of shouting and is very hard on the eyes of your readers. When in doubt, use an emoticon. Those smiley faces won't seem so silly after you've had a few joking comments misconstrued :^)

We all know that there are people who post simply to stir up trouble. Please try to resist responding to them, you are only stooping to their level and encouraging further posts. Our advice on troublemakers: Ignore them. If you don't, you are guilty of perpetuating the problem.

Be honest
Be aware that there are people who troll Internet sites hoping to lure naive investors into nefarious investment swindles. We'll do our best to keep them at bay by removing any posts we see that seem to be blatantly misleading, false, fraudulent, or illegal. We therefore ask that:

1) You do not post promotional material or advertisements to the community;

2) If acting in the capacity of a journalist, do not use the Morningstar comments area to solicit any information for publication without authorisation from Morningstar; and

3) Do not plagiarise or impersonate someone else, or misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

Be wary
We expect that some people are going to persist in their bad habits despite any warnings. The open nature of the Internet is wonderful in that it provides a place for all of us investors to meet and share information and opinions, but it also makes dishonest conduct that much easier. cannot prevent all dishonesty, and shall not be held liable for any losses that might occur based on information transmitted in the comments area. Approach everything you read with a healthy dose of scepticism. Do your own research before making any investment decisions and seriously question any statement that seems "too good to be true."

Again, if you have reason to believe that someone is using the comments area improperly, click on the "Flag" button to let us know about it.

Morningstar expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content or accuracy of any information posted by users and for any trading, investment or other decisions made on the basis of this information.

Oh, and if you think we’ve missed anything in our posting guidelines, tell us about it by commenting below!

The information contained within is for educational and informational purposes ONLY. It is not intended nor should it be considered an invitation or inducement to buy or sell a security or securities noted within nor should it be viewed as a communication intended to persuade or incite you to buy or sell security or securities noted within. Any commentary provided is the opinion of the author and should not be considered a personalised recommendation. The information contained within should not be a person's sole basis for making an investment decision. Please contact your financial professional before making an investment decision.

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About Author

Holly Cook

Holly Cook  is Manager, Morningstar EMEA Websites

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