LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) UD

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Name of CompanyLombard Odier Funds (Europe) SA
Phone00352 27 78 5000
Address291, route d’Arlon
 Luxembourg   L-1150
Other Share Classes
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) IA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) ID
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) MA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) MD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) NA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) ND
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) PA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) PD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) UA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities (EUR) UD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) IA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) MA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) MD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) NA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) ND
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (CHF) PA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (GBP) MD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (GBP) NA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (GBP) PA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) IA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) ID
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) MA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) MD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) NA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) ND
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) PA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) PD
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hdg (USD) UA
LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities Syst. Hedged (GBP) ND
Legal StructureSICAV
Inception Date10/07/2020
Fund Advisor(s)
Lombard Odier Asset Mgt (Switzerland) SA
Fund ManagerYannik Zufferey
Manager Start Date20/05/2019
Fund ManagerNic Hoogewijs
Manager Start Date01/09/2019
Fund ManagerAshton Parker
Manager Start Date01/09/2019
Fund ManagerJérôme Collet
Manager Start Date01/09/2019
university of reims, Ph.D.
Fund ManagerDavid Perez
Manager Start Date01/09/2019
Fund ManagerAnando Maitra
Manager Start Date01/09/2019
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