db X-trackers Expands ETP Range in Germany
This week, db X-trackers launched a new ETC on the Deutsche Börse that invests in broad basket commodities on the basis of short-term momentum signals. Specifically, the strategy aims to go long commodities that with high momentum scores and short commodities with low momentum scores. The ETF will invest in the 14 GSCI sub-indices across the Energy, Agriculture, Industrial, and Precious Metals sectors, but will reset its constituent weights monthly depending on the momentum indicators. Below are the details for this new ETF from db x-trackers.
UBS Lists 45 ETFs in Switzerland
On Wednesday, UBS listed 45 exchange-traded products (ETPs) on the SIX Swiss exchange covering a wide variety of fixed income and equity indices. UBS launched 18 fixed income ETFs tracking US, German, liquid corporate bonds across a range of maturities. In addition, UBS launched 27 equity ETFs tracking an EMU small cap index, regional infrastructure indices, and several socially responsible indices as defined by MSCI. Below are the details for the ETFs from UBS.

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