3 Multi-Asset Funds for Beginner Investors

Looking for a one-stop-shop fund which takes care of asset allocation for you? These three multi-asset funds are highly rated by fund analysts and great for a core portfolio holding

Emma Wall 9 June, 2015 | 2:18PM
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Emma Wall: Hello and welcome to Morningstar Series, Ask the Expert. I am Emma Wall and here with today is Morningstar Fund Analyst, Randal Goldsmith.

Hello, Randal.

Randal Goldsmith: Hi.

Wall: So we're here today to talk about multi-asset funds, that's your sector and specialty. Multi-asset funds are a fantastic one-stop shop for either beginner investors who want to sort of outsource their asset allocation or indeed investors looking for a core holding in their portfolio that they can add satellite funds with areas that they are interested in. So there are number of them out there, but we're going to highlight three today that we rate positively here at Morningstar. What's the first fund?

Goldsmith: The Jupiter Merlin Balanced Fund.

Wall: And that's run by John Chatfeild-Roberts, who we had in here last week to talk about the Growth fund, but it's the Balanced fund that you wanted to highlight today. Why do you like it?

Goldsmith: Yes, that's right. John runs it with Algy Smith-Maxwell. The reason I like it is, that both managers have managed the fund all the way from launch back in 2002. They've worked together for an incredibly long period of time going back before the launch of the fund. They've worked together at Lazard, so some of the most experienced, multi-manager multi-asset managers in the marketplace.

It's one of a range of six multi-manager multi-asset funds. I particularly like the Jupiter Merlin Balance for the positioning within that range in the sort of middle of the risk spectrum, which gives it probably about the most scope for making asset allocation decisions and positions it whereby it's probably got about the widest universe of funds to choose from.

Wall: And asset allocation is no mean feat. A lot of people get it wrong because we can all pick a good U.K. equity manager, a good corporate bond manager, but it's how you blend the two that delivers returns for investors.

Goldsmith: Indeed you are absolutely right. There are not many managers out there that do have a record of adding value from asset allocation and both John and Algy, they've done it for a very long period of time.

Wall: What's the second fund today?

Goldsmith: The second fund is, Henderson Cautious Managed Fund.

Wall: And that's run by Chris Burvill, who is helped by John Pattullo, who is an extremely experience fixed income manager, who readers will be familiar with, because he has been in this studio recently. Why do you like that fund?

Goldsmith: I like the fund because they are both highly experienced managers. Chris has about 30-years investment experience and it's all been managing equity, traditional equity and bonds type of fund which the Henderson Cautious Managed is. John Pattullo, he has been doing that about 20 years, he's named on the fund with Jenna Barnard.

Wall: This type of fund is one that we would call plain vanilla. It's sort of does what it says in the tin. It is actually cautious managed, isn't it?

Goldsmith: It is really, that's you know one of the things I like most about Chris is, he is one of the most reliable managers out there. That fund does exactly what it says on the tin. It's added value over the long period of time that Chris has managed the fund and has done it generally with lower risk that other cautious managed funds.

Wall: What's the third fund today?

Goldsmith: The third fund is Premier Multi-Asset Distribution Fund.

Wall: I mean it sounds like from the title, that fund is going to be good for income investors. Is that right?

Goldsmith: Yes. That's correct. Most distribution funds have regular income payments to investors as part of their objective.

Wall: Why do we like that fund?

Goldsmith: We like the fund, I think because the asset allocation skills and the experience of the Premier team. About 2008, they changed their approach a little bit, diverse away from traditional equity and bonds and to do more in the alternative space. Not that many managers have got that area right. Lot of them have lost money or just not done very much in the absolute return type of funds. At Premier, they've looked a little bit more widely in the alternative space. They picked the things that have worked the best and they've done it in a timely way.

Wall: Randal, thank you very much.

Goldsmith: You are welcome, Emma.

Wall: This is Emma Wall for Morningstar. Thank you for watching.

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Securities Mentioned in Article

Security NamePriceChange (%)Morningstar
Janus Henderson Cautious Mgd A Acc313.70 GBP-0.22Rating
Jupiter Merlin Balanced Portfolio L Acc268.11 GBP-0.64Rating
Premier Miton Multi-Asset Dist A acc  

About Author

Emma Wall  is former Senior International Editor for Morningstar

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